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World Without Einstein
Series Introduction

a World Without Einstein Series

We explore how Einstein’s discoveries enable technologies that impact almost every aspect of our modern society.

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 World without Einstein

World Without Einstein

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Einstein provided the first definitive proof that atoms really do exist. Now we can imagine individual atoms—the blue dots are xenon atoms on a nickel plate.

World Without Einstein Series Introduction - Einstein proved Atoms exist

World Without Einstein Series Introduction - Einstein solved the photoelectric effect

Image #2

Einstein solved the photoelectric effect and enabled the development of light-sensing technologies such as CCDs used in digital and video cameras and all modern telescopes.

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Einstein developed the theory for lasers, which read our CDs and DVDs and are used in countless medical, industrial, and military devices.

World Without Einstein Series Introduction - Einstein discovered the theory of lasers

World Without Einstein Series Introduction - Theory of Relativity

Image #4

Einstein’s theories of Special and General Relativity enable the GPS system that gets us where we want to go, even though he couldn’t find his own keys.

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Einstein’s contributions to quantum mechanics enabled solid state physics and the microelectronics in every digital device we use today.

World Without Einstein Series Introduction - Quantum Mechanics

World Without Einstein Series Introduction - e = mc2

Image #6

Einstein’s famous equation was the basis for developing nuclear weapons and nuclear power, and can be the basis for developing clean, cheap, abundant energy that won’t harm the environment.









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